November 20, 2012

Battle Cry

Kneel, brave child, a mere boy no more
Bold one, stand up as The Enemy roars
Fight, dear one, with the champions you rise
Put an end to the torment of the Evil One’s lies
You direct the future of all those you see
Stand firm, my child, and fight for me.
June 8, 2010
Leaena Tigris

We are in the middle of a battle, thrown in unprepared, but given all that we need. A fire burns in us like nothing that can ever exist when we are on our own. We fight in strategically colonized groups. Placed by those who know how to help us and by those who oppose us and, though in the same battle, tear us down which, through time, strengthens us. The swordsman is placed by the archer and it is up to each to protect the other. We are one through unification in this war and in this life and world. We are as one for who we are and what we believe. We work together, though distant. We are never alone. Nothing matters. Everything that has been hidden and unseen throughout our life does not even exist as far as we know. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.  Everything that we never said, everything that we always needed to hear, we cover that. We solidify under pressure and threat and danger. All of those components together make up a solid, unified, unthreatened, undaunted, fearless group of warriors which none of us are noble enough to be considered part of. 
We are given all that we need to fight in this war, but not trained in the way that we expect. From the moment that you become a soldier, you must choose whether you will fight or you will stand in the middle of the angry hornets’ nest that is our battlefield and wait for training until you are run through and your life is gone, wasted by uselessness and lack of use in itself. Everybody dies, but not everyone lives. People just don’t get that. There’s more to living than being alive. If you are physically alive, but that’s it, you exist. You have no purpose, no plan, nothing. You are a single grain of sand dropped down into an endlessly deep abyss. Lost. You are lost. Not irretrievable, but lost. Gone. You exist and that is all that you know how to do. 
If you are internally alive, you are standing on that battlefield, you have a purpose and you know what that is, you know that you are destined to fight, but you just stand there. You deserve to get run through for every single stupid thing that you will ever do and you deserve to die. We all do. We just stand there, but we don’t get it. This is not a game, this is a war. This is not some fantasy in your head where you can erase your actions and start over, what’s happened has happened and there is nothing that you or anybody else can do about it. We drive on and don’t look back; it doesn’t mean we can’t learn from our pasts. We need to learn from it or we are going to make the same stupid mistakes that we’ve always made day after day and we will continue to pound nails through the hands of someone who died for us. We tone it down way too much. That is what this whole battle is and we lose focus of the point. We forget why we’re fighting in the first place. We fight to defend ourselves and defend the only one who chose to defend us. We fight for everything that comes against us to try to knock us down and make it seem like we are alone and useless and completely lost, hopeless, irredeemable, unseen, unheard, and unknown. 
But no, when we are united through the blood of our King, we are unshakable, unchangeable, untouchable, and we are protected. Nothing can stop us from doing what we were destined to do all along. If you are fighting like you should be, then you know that this is war and we are fighting to the death. There is nothing that can stop us or hold us back. Nothing can touch us or cause us to fail other than our own, dead selves and our disbelief. If we could only get rid of those forever, if we could throw those aside and burn them into oblivion, we could fight and be unshakable in every aspect from everything. We would be, in essence, invincible. Doubt, worry, self-centeredness, jealousy, and hatred would not exist within us. We would be perfect and there would be nothing that could stop us from doing what we are called to do in all circumstances. But we cant. We can’t just burn it or shake it off, it comes back to get us and that’s what we are fighting. 
We are fighting darkness with light: fighting within ourselves and out in the open in the realm of the unknown. We have sided with the darkness since the beginning, but now we are in the light and this is a war of the living versus the dead. We have to re-kill ourselves each day to remain alive. Darkness itself can not approach, let alone touch light, but if we refuse to show that light by serving and loving and doing whatever it is that we are called to do we will end up sinning which, for all the geniuses out there, we happen to do a lot
Take a look around. This can not be all that there is. Look at the guy walking past you at Wal-Mart. He could be dying for all you know. Glance at that teenage girl in front of you in the drive through line at Wendy’s, she could be just as much of a fighter as you. Not everyone is what you will make them out to be. I’m not saying that we should judge them or make up stories about them or try to guess what is going on in their life, my point is simply that they might need some prayer. They are dying and you are watching them, you have the power to pull them out of darkness, now will you use it? Will you be on the frontline? Are you just going to stand there and wait for Death to find you or are you going to use every minute of time that you have to fight?

"I declare that they will speak to the walking dead in our streets and we will see them come to life again!"  -Mattie Montgomery

" 'You can burn in hell for all I care' is the message we send to all those to whom we neglect to preach the Gospel." - Mattie Montgomery

“He was the King of the Universe, yet He lowered himself down enough to become one of us slimy little meat bugs.”  -Riverblade

“He died for you. I mean, just listen to it, He died for you. Are any of you out there dying right now for someone? I don’t think so. And still we continue to do all those little, stupid things to Him every single day. How can you not get that?”  -Riverblade

                “We fight together and that’s the only way that we can survive here. We can’t do this alone, we have to do this as one. I am with you until the end.” –Leaena Tigris

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