November 15, 2012


Stars amaze me. Have you ever seen a picture of the galaxy? If you haven't, go look one up. There are countless stars. And that’s just in ONE galaxy. Somewhere in that milky haze there’s a planet. And on that planet there are millions of little people. Now back up again to the galaxy. That thing is HUGE. How many people would it take to fill it? I have no idea. But that’s a good question. Maybe I’ll do the math some other time. If we were to look at a galaxy- the actual thing, not a picture- and if it were as big as a house, how big would the earth be? My point is, we’re astoundingly, incredibly, unimaginably tiny. We start off as one cell and somehow… somehow we’re all accounted for. Each of us. Our tears are collected and our names are called from heaven. How mind blowing is that? Again, I love the stars. Maybe they’re just balls of gas floating in space but astronomy never really interested me. I don’t care what they are, but they’re beautiful. They light up a dark sky like little flecks of silver on a black velvet backdrop. Like little diamonds hanging on tiny  threads above all of creation. Maybe it’s just me, but I think they’re incredible.

Dots on the horizon
White, yellow, and red
A concrete jungle
Waits hopefully ahead
Yet up above, a city
Bright and shining flame
Galaxies and planets
Each known to Him by name
A city of stars hangs overhead
Comets ablaze
Planets on threads
Perfectly orchestrated
Uniquely designed
Beautifully created
At the beginning of time
A more beautiful city
Has never been seen
Stare at the stars
That hang over me
By: Leaena Tigris
March 11, 2012   10:03 pm
I've entertained fantasies of laying outside, watching those stars. My boy comes and lays next to me. I take his hand and smile and we just lay there, watching the universe in silence because words are futile when it comes to such serenity of scene and emotion. Granted, these are only fantasies, but they spark up a flame of hope. Hope that hope really does exist. Hope that there is a purpose and a future out there for me. But you know what? The King of Glory is crowned with stars. His glory makes them seem like pebbles set beside the most brilliant diamond. And you know what else? The same God who made those astonishing stars created us too. And to top it all off, we are made in His image. So not only are we made by the maker of the stars, we are infinitely more beautiful, more wonderful, because we are made like Him. Just a thought from the myriad of wonders swirling in my head.

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