November 15, 2012


This has been in my drafts for months. Since June, actually. Shorter than the others, but I mean every bit of it.

What power we have! Not power of our own, but of the One who sent us. What great strength we have received that we should be able to heal the sick and blind, to restore the crippled, to cast out demons, to move even mountains. We are but recipients of that power, as it comes not of our will but of His. So we rely on His will for our power and oh what power it is. That we would speak in the name of our God as we are moved and commanded and that people would hear as he has ordained. We are blood-bought and sanctified by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the one who grants us this power. Therefore we owe him everything that we are. Our lives, our time, our beings, everything we are and posses to our Master. We are self-inflicted slaves, chained to our Love and Peace. Not called to physical war, but to spiritual, as we fight with the power of the Living God. Living as such warrior does not go unnoticed. Perhaps unrewarded for a time, but let your glory come at the hand of the Almighty Alpha rather than men for the praises of Man will fade, die, and rot away, but the appraisal of the Most High God endures forever.

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