February 11, 2013

Responsibility to Christ

There are so many souls in one room. Next time you're standing in Wal-Mart or church, or some other sort of active and public environment, look around. The sheer amount of people there... It's overwhelming. What can one person do for so many? How can we love so many? How is it even possible? I could pull on some sort of story or metaphor here, but I won't. I'll just speak the truth. Our impact is on as many as we can manage to affect. Just because we can't reach everyone doesn't mean we shouldn't bother trying to reach anyone at all.
It is an enormous amount of responsibility to be a Christian. We have a high calling and responsibility to Christ that it seems we forget. All too often we find ourselves, or rather we lose ourselves in the cracks and crevices of our own minds. Not until church or Bible study, if then, do we remember what we've been called to do. Our battle is raging whether we recognize it or not and the longer we remain oblivious, the farther we slip away. Life is constantly in motion and honestly it's all we can do to keep up. But we must keep running.

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