April 8, 2012

Worth Dying For

Some people say there are few things left in this world worth dying for. Others argue that things like Peace, Justice, Friendship, etc. are far more than worth it. Perhaps it depends on your point of view, I don't know. However, it seems to me that there while there are a few things worth dying for, there is much more worth living for.

 Here's something I bet you didn't know: you are loved. Not only that, but you are loved beyond imagining. Maybe you're like me: a Christian raised in a church and Christian home. But you have no idea. You can't know. That's how much He loves us. It's Easter Sunday as I write this and although I don't know when I'll get around to publishing it, you should realize that Easter is not only the time Christ died and rose, it is also the time that you were permitted into Eternity with God. That's a big deal. I heard a spoken word thing on my hand-me-down mp3 player a while back and looked it up on YouTube. It's by a guy named Mattie Montgomery from a band called For Today. One thing he said really struck me: "You are worth it".


People today find their worth in a lot of different things: money, status, relationships, possessions, the list could go on and on. You want to know what really defines us? God. He's the one who tells us who we are. And do you know who that is?  He says you are a princess, His little girl, His love, His dream, His passion, His desire, His focus, His joy. Guys, he says you are His son, a Prince, His strong boy, His heart. You are His sole desire. He wants you and He will go to any lengths to get you to want Him. So, like Mattie said, You Are Worth It. You are worth living for, worth dying for, worth coming back to live for again. Even though by your very nature you despised Him and because of you He suffered and died the most vicious way possible. You killed Him. It was your sin that nailed Him there. But He still died for you because He LOVES you. More than you realize, more than you can imagine.

To the Cutter: He bled so you didn't have to. To the Suicidal: He died so you would live. To the Forsaken, the Lost, and the Lonely: God turned His back on His Son so He would always be with you. To the Depressed: He took on your sorrow so that you could live without it. To the Complacent: He lived radically to set an example for you. To the Careless: He loved you so you might love Him. To the Fearful: He dislodged fear so you wouldn't be ruled by it. To the Human: There IS a God. He is more powerful than you could ever dream and He is passionate about YOU. You who killed Him, You who shouted "Crucify Him!", You who disowned and rejected Him. YOU.

  Never forget, He loves you more than you could ever realize   
                 and He thinks that YOU worth dying for.

1 comment:

  1. the transparency cut and healed at the same time. I lost some cynicism here today,Thanks,LT
