June 24, 2013

A New Generation

Part of a conversation I was having a few months ago with an amazing friend of mine who I wouldn't give up for anything... 

What if we were part of the next Great Awakening in the church? I can see it coming. I see a time fast approaching when prophets will rise up and there will be a revival of Life through the Holy Spirit. How amazing would it be if we were so in tune with the Holy Spirit that even miracles were performed for the healing of others and to proclaim praise, honor, and glory to God our Father? 

I've heard some people say that we can't speak in tongues now and there were only certain gifts for the apostles and all sorts of things like that. But I know people who have seen miracles performed and who have seen the glory of God. I know people who have seen visions and spoken prophesies over others. I know people who DO speak in tongues and who have prayer languages. I know people who are so filled with the Holy Spirit that within the span of one mere word when they pray or worship, He completely floods the room. What if we were all like that? I mean imagine what could happen. I'm not saying what if we were all the same, but what if we were so in tune with the Holy Spirit and God's desire that we possessed, through Him alone, a sort of supernatural power. The authority to cast out demons and heal the sick. I know it's possible. I believe that, to an extent, we've been given that kind of authority already. That authority only comes by the name of Jesus Christ. If we hold fast to Him, then what can Satan stop us from doing? Nothing. There's no doubt at all in my mind that He can and will do these things. He could use us just as well as any other generation to do it, but we have to love Him. There have been prophets that have risen up. Mattie Montgomery for one, who calls for a Great Awakening in the church and for us to "step into [the] destiny" and the calling that God has placed on us. To become the Joshua generation that would rise up and march forward with a faith that was stronger than ever before and that would change the world. Even if we don't get to see it, what if we started that? What if we were the beginning of that revolution? I know that just one person can change the entire world. Even a person with little influence (like us). It doesn't have to be some major world power, but guess where we are?! AMERICA! :D We are in a country that completely dominates the rest of the world and has IMMEASURABLE influence on other countries. Chain reactions are entirely possible and even if one person just tells one person who only tells one other person, that's two more people added to the Everlasting Kingdom of God and who will live forever in Paradise!! :D I'm so hyped up right now it's AWESOME. I mean, just imagine what could happen.

I really hope God uses me in a way that would expand so much larger than I could ever anticipate. Whether I see it or not. Although I would prefer to see it... I am a prophet. I know that in a way and with an assurance I can't really explain. There have been a couple times that I've been given prophesies to speak over people. I've seen visions. A while back, I had a vision during worship at my church. Everything was white and I was standing there. A massive black wave like water made of shadows rose up in front of me and I put my hands out to hold it back. And I did. The wave stopped advancing. I opened my eyes after that and prayed that God would tell me what that meant, that He would assure me in that promise and.. and that calling. While I was praying, I saw the same scene. All white except for the black wave advancing against me. But this time, there were people beside me. My entire youth group was beside me and we were all holding back the wave together. But we weren't just holding it where it was. Together, we were pushing it back. Through the power of Christ. We were forcing evil to renounce its claim on the son of Adam's blood. It has no place where there is light, nor any hold on the children of God.

 A pastor I was under for a while said that God had given him a name to speak to me and the name was Esther. That I was being brought into the place I was for a reason and that the reason was to do great things for God that no one else could do otherwise. Those weren't the exact words, but you get the picture. Let no one put you down because you trust in the word and the promises of your God. Our God.

Courage, strength, and peace to you my brothers and sisters simply because you are His. Never forget what He has told you. God is going to do incredible things. And soon. Be ready for them. I'm not sure how I know, but I am confident that there is a wave arising. A tide of hope is about to be unleashed as together we push against the established order of this world and fight for the righteousness only found in Christ. This, my dear friends, is the beginning- the rising- of a new generation. The generation that will change it all forever.